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Khaleme Elemental Tensor Ring

Khaleme Elemental Tensor Ring

Regular price $22.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $22.00 USD
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Pure Copper finger ring made with a straight-line tensor ring cubit length. Khaleme is an air elemental energy. By wearing and working with this ring, we can connect with the air and bring it back into balance when it has become overly aggravated. 

Khaleme can help to clean the air, and is soft and gentle. Use this ring to bring your body a feeling of comfort and ease. The double spiral symbol may be gentle, but it has great power to bring about ease and stability to your life. Khaleme flows through your body and life to keep the energies gently moving.

Also, from an Ayurvedic perspective, if Vata is overly aggravated, this ring may help to calm and balance out the aggravated dosha.

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