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Gayatri Sphere - Tensor Field Generator (Genesa Crystal Sacred Geometry)

Gayatri Sphere - Tensor Field Generator (Genesa Crystal Sacred Geometry)

Regular price $428.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $428.00 USD
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• Attune Yourself to the Seven Spiritual Planes of the Gāyatrī Mantra (Sāvitri Mantra) •

The Gayatri Sphere is made with a combination of science & spirituality, heart & mind. It is created in various sizes:
• 1.25" Golden Fire Silver Pendant (made with tarnish-resistant Argentium Silver)
• 3.1" Earth Resonance sphere (12 gauge)
• 3.5" Harmony sphere (12 gauge copper wire) to influence your personal energetic space and near surroundings
• 3.6" Golden Fire (12 gauge)
• 5" Golden Fire (10 gauge wire) to work with healing golden light around your personal space
• 7" Harmony sphere (8 gauge wire) to have a larger influence on your environment
• 7.5" Golden Fire sphere (8 gauge wire)
• Large 13" 333MHz sphere (6 gauge wire) to use with sound healing and other larger environmental applications
• Large 14" Harmony sphere (6 gauge wire) to use with a larger sphere of influence, such as larger farms, vineyards, and larger bodies of water
• Large 15" Golden Fire sphere (4 gauge heavy duty wire)

The smallest 3 sizes are collapsable (3.1", 3.5", 3.6"), and can be worn as a bracelet on your wrist. The 3.1" is a great size for female or smaller size wrists. The 3.5" will fit most men, and the 3.6" will fit over the largest size hands. The 5" Golden Fire can be worn around the upper arm, just slide it up and open it back up a bit to hold it in place. (Fits most women and men with relatively smaller arms.) Hang the sphere from your ceiling to allow the energy to flow throughout your entire environment, or place it outside in your garden to boost the growth speed, size and health of all your plants.

The Benefits:
• Amazingly beneficial to the growth of plants. Great with nature and the environment.
• Collapse the 3.5" sphere and wear it on your wrists to open up your hand chakras. Great for reiki practitioners or energy healers. (If I wear them on my wrists overnight, I can feel my palm chakras fully open as I awaken.)
• Transmute harmful effects of EMF radiation, WiFi & 5G into neutral frequencies.
• Connect to the energetic benefits of the Gayatri mantra, which is stored within the tensor field generator.
• Contains the ability to be programmed & charged with your intentions, as it is in alignment with your highest good. Hold it within both hands, bring it to your heart chakra, and program it just as you would with a crystal. (You can also ask to clear it of any previous/older programs that are no longer in alignment with your highest good, and re-program it again with new intentions.)

The Science:
These tensor field generators are made by using a very precise measurement of twisted copper wire, using the Standard Teotihuacan Unit (STU) and other cubits.

The Spirit:
Tensor rings, similar to crystals, are able to receive & store a lot of energy. So they can be programmed and charged with various energies, mantras, and codes or instructions. With this in mind, it's very important to be "mindful" while creating these rings and spheres, and not have lower vibrational thoughts or states of consciousness.

While creating each Gayatri sphere, I begin with an invocation to call in all of my non-physical entities/spiritual assistants. A few of the beings that assist in the creation of these spheres include: Archangels Michael, Metatron, Raphael, Quan Yin, Medicine Buddha, Dhanvantari, St Germain, Jesus, St Francis, my Higher Self, Angels & Spirit Guides, Slim Spurling, Bill Reid, a few of my ancestors & deceased friends, as well as the Higher Self, Angels & Guides of all the individuals that these creations will interact with and have an energetic influence. Then, I infuse the energy of the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra into the wire, and continuously chant the Gayatri mantra (long form with all 7 spiritual planes) while twisting the wires, cutting the exact lengths, welding the rings, and cleaning/polishing the spheres.

I can actually feel my angels/spirit guides energetically pulling and fusing the rings together as I am physically welding the rings together, helping to create a working tensor field in the etheric realm.

The cubit length used in these spheres is also very well attuned to nature and plant energies, so I also charge each sphere up with the energetics of pure water essence, and the earth element.

Whenever possible, I begin the creation of a Gayatri sphere (by twisting the copper wires) on a New Moon (when the energy of creation is strongest and most potent), and complete each sphere (by welding the final ring together) on the Full Moon (when the Moon energy is strongest). Plant seeds of creation on the New Moon, and harvest the fruits of your labor on the Full Moon.

As an energy healer and intuitive, I enjoy working with individuals, and would love to create a Gayatri sphere made specifically for you. Place your order, and send a message with your birthsign, and I will tune into your energy while I create a sphere just for you. Please note, that this may take a bit longer to create, after placing your order. (And if you wish for me to complete it in harmony with the moon cycle, it may take up to one month longer to complete it in this fashion. Although I recommend it, if you can wait a little longer!)

What other intuitives have to say about the Gayatri Sphere:
“I feel like I can put my intention inside of it—just make the intention, or write it on a piece of paper—and putting it inside of it, it feels like it has that kind of magical energy that if I put it in there, the sphere intensifies whatever is within it. So I also love the fact that you can put it on (the 3.5” sphere as a bracelet). One of the ways that it could be used, for a person in terms of their healing (and “healing” could be physical healing, emotional healing, mental healing, and also prosperity healing) is to put their intention in there, let it sit in there overnight so that it absorbs that intention…and then wear the sphere. Or vice versa…let it sit there in the daytime with the intention, and wear it overnight. Whichever is more comfortable. Cause that way, you’re joining within the energy. That’s what jumps out at me at first…let me go deeper on it.

“…Before I even get my eyes closed…I feel like, if you put a crystal in there, that you’ve already put your intention in for healing—that healing crystal is gonna be 100 times more powerful after it sits inside the Gayatri sphere. It’s showing me that whatever you put inside of the sphere, it incubates like an egg.

"Now what jumps out at me…is I saw a rose quartz in it. There’s a lot of heartache in the world (for emotion, losses in relationships, etc)…that this could help heal people with a broken heart. I know from my personal experience using rose quartz, when it helped most I held it to my heart and let it absorb my sadness. So I feel like it could help heal a broken heart if you use it with rose quartz. That’s one aspect that it could be used for. If you were to use amethyst, it’s gonna be about intensifying focus, cause that’s one of the major properties with amethyst. Do your own experimentation with various crystals inside, to see how it charges them. Now, I’m also hearing, you can clear your crystals with it too." - Psychic David Tillman (
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Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews

Amazing experience. The product was absolutely stunning and powerful. Cleared so much energy for myself personally and I’ve noticed a tremendous energetic shift with my family as well.


Jason is in tune with his craft and our needs. On our first message exchange he mentioned something uncanny and completely authentic and unexpected.

We have welcomed the 15” 4 gauge sphere into our home/healing office and it feels healing, balancing, grounding and so much more. We’ve even asked a few energy sensitive people what they felt about it and they immediately said they felt a very grounding and soothing vibration from the sphere.

We are happy and grateful to have connected with you Jason and look forward to further work, healing and experimenting with all the sphere can do. We’ve barely scratched the surface! Thank you for adding into the construction the additional mantras we requested.🙏🏽

My husband and I highly recommend MantraWorks and his Tensor devices. Powerful energy upon arrival. You will not be disappointed.

VK Dev

Lovely. Fits wrist well. Good energy

VK Dev

Great pieces. Energy v good


Exceptional attention to detail! I can feel the gayatri mantra circulating in the air around me when I wear this bracelet. The mrityunjaya acts as a kind true anchor to the eternal nature. So grounding, focusing, protective! I could see the mrityunjaya holding the patterns that others carry and throw, outside of my energy field.
And I was just in the line at the grocery store.
I will order another ! one is not enough🤣
Thank You for your service
Om namah shivayah