Tensor Rings are Programmable?!?

Tensor Rings are Programmable?!?

Yes, you can program your new tensor ring to work with you on a specific task or goal. Just like crystals can be programmed, you can also program your tensor ring.

This is a big part of the potency of tensor rings. Copper and silver are very capable of holding frequencies, intentions, and information.

How Do You Program a Ring?

Well, first of all, it's important to consider your state of mind while creating energy healing tools (for those of you who are creating your own tensor rings). When I'm making a ring, I'm invoking a number of guides/angels/god/goddesses as I begin the process, ask them to impart their contributions (in alignment with the highest good of all those that the ring will come into contact with energetically), and then I'm continuously chanting Sanskrit mantras to infuse those specific energies and information into the ring. So that's the first step: programming your ring during the creation process.

Step two can be done by anyone, and whenever you like. You can take your tensor ring and personally add to the programming, or in a sense, completely reprogram it if you wish. Hold your ring within both hands, bring it up to your heart center, and communicate your intentions to it. Just like a crystal, it will hear your thoughts and intentions, and begin going to work with you and co-create your desires and intentions.

If you have previously programmed your ring, and now wish to reprogram it with a new or different task, just bring the ring up to your heart and share your intentions with the ring. That you wish to end/cancel/discontinue the previous programming, and want to begin working with a new set of intentions along with the ring's help.

Amplifying Your Intentions with Crystals

Tensor rings and crystals work very well together, and amplify each others' energies and potency. If you want to increase the potency of your tensor ring's programming, consider adding a crystal into the mix. I often place a crystal within a Gayatri sphere (4-ring sphere), and use it like an incubation chamber. I may write down an intention or manifestation goal on a piece of paper, and place it within a Gayatri sphere, along with a crystal. Both the crystal and tensor rings will work synergistically together and increase the energy field and potency of the tensor rings.

Let's Run With It... 

One excellent way to play with programming your tensor rings, is to program a tensor ring to help improve your car's fuel efficiency. By using a tensor ring with a combustible engine, you can help to minimize your engine's waste, as well as increase the efficiency within the engine. Better gas milage while reducing pollution is good for your wallet, and good for the environment.

Another way to take this a step farther, is to program a silver tensor ring--meant for restructuring water--with information to impart within the water that you're structuring. You can read this short article for some inspiration with the process of imprinting your water with information.

Personally, I program my rings with Sanskrit healing mantras if they're rings that I'll be wearing on my body, or if I'm using them to improve a specific health condition or my overall vitality and health.

There are many ways you can work with your tensor rings. Experiment with growing plants, energy healing, working with sound vibration and music, healing your physical body, transmuting harmful EMF radiation from your environment, etc. And all of these things can be programmed into your tensor ring, to help you achieve all your goals and intentions.

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